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Meet Our Founder, Dr. Dawn Henwood

I began my career as an English professor, specializing in nineteenth-century literature in America and the U.S. Very quickly however, I found I was too pragmatic for the literature classroom, and I transitioned into teaching technical communication, then business communication, then communication to support knowledge translation and knowledge mobilization.

While I love to write and to produce impactful communication products, my real joy comes from helping others find the best words and visuals to express their thoughts. Whether I'm engaged in content creation, group training, or coaching, I'm always a teacher at heart.

Since the start of my career, I've felt compelled to help connect the world of academic knowledge with the broader community. Way back in 2003, I wrote this op-ed column on the need for more "town and gown" activity, not realizing that what I was calling for was knowledge translation and mobilization.

town and gown
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I've created, and taught others to create, a wide range of communication products, from reports and proposals to animated videos and interactive infographics. I've also authored two books on writing.

My approach can be summed up in two powerful words from the great British novelist E.M. Forster: "Only connect!" Successful knowledge translation does more than inform; it engages the audience in deeply human ways.

I'm curious to learn about your research and how you want it to change the world. If you'd like to chat about how I might help give your mission a boost, just click the button to the right to book a Zoom chat.

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